Join Us

You are assured a warm welcome at Women In Journalism whether you work in the UK or overseas, at whatever stage of your career and whatever discipline, print, digital, broadcast or a mixture of all three.

Join us today and you could…

  • Meet some of Britain ‘s top female journalists at regular events either in person or online

  • Join our mentoring scheme and get paired with someone who can help guide you through whatever career concerns you may have

  • Join networking events across the country  – a mixture of virtual and live events

  • Sign up for skills based masterclass sessions on such topics as How to write a successful pitch for freelancers,  How to get a pay rise and How to upskill for the new media world.

  • Listen to In Conversations with some of the country’s top journalists and debates on some of the crucial issues of the moment within journalism

  • Receive our weekly newsletter packed full of news, vital industry information and job opportunities

  • Join a group of like minded journalists who’re there to support each other through the good times and bad

Membership Benefits

Our 1500 members receive weekly newsletters with invitations to WIJ events and priority booking. We also forward invitations from other media-related organisations and include special offers and job opportunities.

Members can invite guests to some events at guest rates.

If you have any questions, please email our administrator, Kate McMillan.

Join now

  • £45 per year for London and southeast based members.

  • £30 per year for regionally based members.

  • £10 per year for students.

Join online via the link below, for (auto-renewing) annual membership that can be cancelled at any time through the account you’ll be asked to create on purchase