Chaps of both Sexes

Report by Linda Christmas 


Chaps of Both Sexes gives us some new understanding about communication and the changing role of women. It builds on the discussions in our recent Eve and Adam series organised jointly with the Royal Society of the Arts (RSA) when we looked at how women’s voices, values and visions are contribution to the international agenda and changing workplace culture.

As the new government settles in, this report also encourages us to speculate about the potential difference the large intake of women MPs could make to changing the culture of the House of Commons and the policy agenda.

As political, economic, technological and social changes continue to impact so dramatically on all our lives, how they are reported and discussed becomes more and more important. The role of the media is to mirror and communicate these changes. Women’s voices, values, visions and experiences are crucial for a balanced view. This report helps us understand more about the communicated process and women and men’s different (and similar) ways of going about.


The Cheaper Sex - July 1998: sponsored by TESCO