Upcoming Events

Freelancer Tax Returns Masterclass
Tax returns are part of every freelance journalists year. The 31st of January can cause some to panic, especially if you are new to freelancing.
There are so many questions around what can you claim for with expenses? When should you start doing your return? Can you pay in installments? Should you get an accountant or do it yourself?
This session will be run by HW Fisher experts in supporting creatives with tax and other financial planning.

Starting Out in Freelancing Masterclass
Starting Out in Freelancing - Aimed at people who are completely new to print journalism and experienced freelancers who want to make a fresh start, this masterclass covers everything you need to know in order to take your first steps as a successful freelance print journalist. Includes help on how to pitch, how to chase, what to say when you get rejected, what to say when you get commissioned, what to say when you file, and tax stuff you need to know.